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Bird Spline

A tool to create a flock of birds.

This tool allowed us to create flocks of birds flying along a set spline. The user can input how many birds should be part of the flock and the tool will place them with random offsets to the spline.

Foliage Colour Changer

A tool to randomly change foliage colour.

To bring a bit more variation to the scene I created a tool which would randomly assign a colour to foliage within the level, given a set of customisable options.


A set of mechanics featuring inspecting an item, an inventory system and a crafting mechanic.

Items can be picked up and inspected by the player and then stored in the inventory. Once a certain set of items have been picked up, the player can then craft different items within the inventory. The video uses a lot of place holders, but the final version with models and textures in place can be seen in the playthrough.

Main Menu/Startup

A main menu and startup sequence.

Some UI work using 3D widgets. A set of graphics options. The startup sequence was using a custom blueprint rather than matinee.


A compass system.

A simple compass and objectives system that guides the player through the level. The objectives are actors that can be placed within the level itself (visualised within the video as spheres to show where they are). The final version can be seen in the playthrough.

Water Shader

A simple water shader with some customisation options.

One of the first things I did as part of my FMP was create a simple water shader that the artists could use throughout the level. The customisation options allowed for us to get the right look by being able to quickly adjust several settings.

Climbing System

A prototype set of climbing mechanics.

This was once again done very early on and features a bunch of different gameplay mechanics. I later on re-worked this system to use splines instead that the player would climb along, as this early prototype would only allow for climbing in straight lines.

Spline Tool

A little spline tool.

This tool was created mainly so that we were able to quickly draw out the rice paddies in the distance, which can be seen right at the start of the level. Using splines it allowed for us to just use a single segment and repeat it over and over, rather than having to model different shaped rice paddies.

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Here's a few videos showing off the different things that I worked on during my FMP. Please note that some of these are very raw and WIP as I made the videos while progressing through the FMP. Also note that this is only a selection and there were a few more minor things that I worked on as well.

© 2016 By Dominic Mathuse. Proudly created by

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